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Re: GNOME problem

If that happened to me, I would not be happy camper.  I really think you
ought to reinstall.

Collin E Borrlewyn wrote:

> Somehow, some time ago, an odd thing happened. In the beginning, on a
> fresh install, whenever I typed "startx", thereby running GNOME, it
> would start up with a gnome-terminal up by default, with the working
> directory set to my home directory. A few weeks after install, for no
> reason I can detect, this default working directory changed to /etc.
> This wouldn't be such a bad thing, (cd ~ is easy to type, after all) but
>   /etc now appears to be the default GNOME directory for anything...
> including things like file dialogs. So... where might this setting be
> set and how can I change it? Also, any idea how I may have inadvertantly
> changed it?
> - Collin E Borrlewyn
>    - [email protected]
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