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Re: Galeon problem

I had that very same problem, but I got it solved last night when I upgraded to "testing" and then installed "galeon from Ben Hall's site.  THe only thing that went wrong after that was that KDE's advanced text editor always crashes when launched but at least I have Galeon and spell checking also works.  Here are the sources I used:

 deb https://libranetlinux.com updates/

deb http://http.us.debian.org/debian testing main contrib non-free

#Debian Non-US
deb http://non-us.debian.org/ testing/non-US main  contrib non-free

# Moses.cx Potato Packages (Galeon, Sylpheed and more)
deb http://www.moses.cx/files stable main

Everything else was commented out (#)

Now who knows what to do about the KDE / advanced text editor problem?

Peter Herissone-Kelly wrote:


I've just installed the deb package of galeon. When I try to launch the
app, I get a message that says:

"Cannot find a schema for galeon preferences. Check your gconf setup, look
at galeon FAQ for more info."

The galeon FAQ tells me to run a script from galeon's source directory.
The script is nowhere to be found on my hd. Despite the "cannot find a
schema" complaint, I do have a file called
/etc/gconf/schemas/galeon.schemas. What do I need to do?



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