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Re: OpenOffice641c

On Tue, 2002-01-01 at 12:09, Ken Moffat wrote:

> I thought they had. I ran it for a while, and there is no desktop like
> so5. SO6beta is nice now too. No desktop, just opens the app you want, and
> seems very functional. (I think yesterday was the last day for download of
> that beta.) Guess I'll use SO6 until something better comes along. I
> successfully imported an excel95 spreadsheet. Haven't tried word import
> yet.

I have and it is not too bad. I imported a Word2K file with frames and
it imported it fairly well. I had to only reposition a couple of the
frames and reapply some formatting. The formatting issue is related to
the problem of font mapping. If your system doesn't have the original
fonts, then StarOffice must guess as to what fonts that you do have are
closest to the original. I haven't tried SO on importing very complex
documents (master documents, TOCs, and so on) yet so I can't give you
any feedback to how well that would work.


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