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Re: "complete menu implementation"

I'm willing to bet my Libranet ICE desktop is a custom as anyone's, but it's nice not to have to configure the entire thing from scratch.  You can build a car from scratch too, but most people find it
easier to let Detroit, Japan, or Germany do it for them.  Libranet does just this.  They give you a basic fully implemented ice which you then can easily custom configure for yourself.  SUSE 7.3 gives
you ICE, but only as an afterthought, and it's not really set up to use.  It's like buying a kit car that must be fully assembled before you can use it.  Obviously most people prefer products that are
"ready to use."

[email protected] wrote:

> Yes: those who forget that very important concept are
> quite shortsighted!  The more I read about Linux when I
> was first getting started, the more I prepared myself for
> this aspect of running Linux -- the very freedom to tweak
> it all my own way, even though this freedom comes at the
> price of a steep learning curve, there still exists the
> community of users such as this one to share their
> experience.
> > having to configure your own menus is not really a bad thing.  It may be inconvenient for some, but once you do it, you have a very functional and personal system.  That's what I like about Linux.
> --
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