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Re: two mutt questions

* On Thu Jan 03, 2002 17:45:33 -0500, [email protected] wrote:
> I have two quick mutt questions. First, how do you get mutt to re-read
> the .muttrc file while mutt is active. Second, when I open mutt (or
> switch folders) it goes to the last email in the list. For me, this
> sucks because I reverse sort my email. I want it to go to the first read
> email (e.i. the border between the read and the unread emails), insead
> of the last (oldest) email whenever I open mutt or change folders.

I don't know the answer to your second question (other than man muttrc :),
but for the first just type in ':source ~/.muttrc<ENTER>' in mutt.

- Tal

> thanks
> jason

Tal Danzig        |     Libranet GNU/Linux
[email protected]  |  https://www.libranetlinux.com

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