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Re: Automatic ADSL Connection

For your adsl you will need to put a script in /etc/init.d and call it
from /etc/rc2.d

There are several options for wheel mice. If your using the ps/2 setting
now then try the imps2 setting. I have a logitech wheel mouse (oem) and
my setting are device = /dev/psaux and protocol = ImPS/2

Back to your adsl, you need to do the following (may not be exact)

Create a script in /etc/init.d called say get-online

In this script would be the following (2) lines

'path to adsl-start'/adsl-start (put in the correct path; this can be
found from a console using the 'which' command (ie which adsl-start)

cd to /etc/rc2.d and type the following to create a symlink to run the
above script

ln -s /etc/init.d/get-online S99get-online

Use whatever name you want. The 'S99' is important. Check for your
firewall script (in /etc/rc2.d) to see what number is after the 'S'. Not
sure if your firewall needs to be started before or after your
connection starts. Probably after. If you firewall script is called with
'S99' then use 'S98' (just as long as it is a smaller number but not too
small) to have your connection start before the firewall. The next time
you boot up the script will run and start your connection. If you used
roaring penguin pppoe client then the install also installed a firewall

I don't have adsl so I can only guess at what was done and can't be
specific with names such as what roaring penguin called their firewall.


John Barrow wrote:
> Hi All
> Sarah helped me get the dsl connection up an running with the Roaring
> Penguin.  I still have to go into SU and type "adsl-start" even after setting
> it to install on boot during set-up..  Giving my wife and daughter root
> priviledges could mess up things even faster than I do.
> Plus when I installed Libranet I (or so I thought) I allowed for a scroll
> mouse.  My rodent seems to have lost it's wheel.
> Cheers
> --
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