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Re: very sad.... No more....

Helmut Steinwender wrote:

> Linux is in my opinion, a few years back where windows was in
> usability.

I agree with you.  However, I would suggest you clarify your comments to
say 'usability for novices'.

I agree 100% that Linux must become usable for novices, especially those
that come from a Windows background.  In the next year or two, this will

However, that is not to say that Linux is not usable.  For those with
the appropriate level of skill, Linux is much more usable and powerful
than Windows.  Especially in the area of system administration.  Some
things that can be done 'easily' with a few lines of shell scripting
would be nearly impossible to do under Windows.  This level of usability
is where Linux wins hands down today.

Unfortunately, this degree of power does not help novices out, and
I agree that basic system administration tasks, especially those dealing
with getting new hardware installed and configured, need tools which are
suitable for novices.  It will happen.

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